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Drawings admin / June 18, 2014

Cutting, 2016, colored markers, paper, 40 x 60 cm
Privet collection


Vacuuming, 2016, colored markers, paper, 40 x 60 cm
Privet collection


Framing, 2016, colored markers, paper, 33 x 40 cm
Privet collection


Measuring, 2016, colored markers, paper, 30 x 40 cm
Privet collection

Repair (1) 2014, colored markers, paper, 54 x 66 cm

Repair (2) 2014, colored markers, paper, 54 x 66 cm

Repair (2 detail) 2014, colored markers, paper

Cleaning, 2012, colored markers, paper, 50 x 60 cm
Privet collection

On the Roof

On the Roof, 2012, colored markers, paper, 40 x 50 cm

On the Roof

On the roof, 2012, (fragment), colored markers, paper, 30 x 40 cm

On the Wall

On the Wall, 2012, colored markers, paper, 40 x 50 cm

On the Wall

On the Wall, 2012, (fragment), colored markers, paper, 30 x 40 cm

Truck with a man on a white background

Truck with a man on a white background, 2012, drawing, felt-tip pen, paper, 8 x 24 cm
Collection of Sophie Calle

drawer at ICA

GROUP SHOW, Truck with a man on a white background, 2012, drawing, marker on paper, 8 x 24 cm drawer at ICA, Sofia,
Curators: Vladiya Mihaylova and Ivan Moudov

The question “What kind of a drawing would you put in a drawer” makes the artists participating in the exhibition face the task to
ransack their personal “storage” and work spaces.
What these spaces hold – their earliest sketches and drawings, the worthless ones or the most valuable ones, indecent or probably
forgotten by now – determines the different ways of approaching the task, from the choice to represent the action of reviewing the
drawings to the act of exhibiting a Police Registration Card of an individual. Part of the works have been created for the event,
others have been taken out of the rummaged drawers and shown for the first time. Sent by mail, faxed or delivered by hand, hastily made
or carefully prepared, the drawings allow the viewer to look inside the space of the drawer that in most cases remains hidden and closed.
The Group Show features artists working across a range of media including sculpture, painting, installation and video. Some of them, among whom
Vikenti Komitski, Stela Vasileva and Kiril Kuzmanov, have already presented their works in solo exhibitions in 0gms Gallery-Drawer.
The idea to set up the gallery in a drawer was initiated more than year ago with an exhibition of the young Austrian artist Adrien Tirtiaux,
one of the most recent events being the participation of 0gms in this year’s Jakarta Biennale with the video Self-sufficient Machine,
2009 by Kosta Tonev, presented by the artist Keijiro Suzuk.


Objects, 2009, series of works, marker on canvas, 20 x 25 each cm


Objects, 2009, series of works, marker on canvas, 20 x 25 each cm


Objects, 2009, series of works, marker on canvas, 20 x 25 each cm