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Lives and works in Sofia, Bulgaria
Education: 2006 BA / 2017 MA – Mural Painting, National Academy of Arts, Sofia, Bulgaria


2022   Transposition, Posta space, Sofia
2019   Lines of Time (in pencil and paper), Arosita Gallery, Sofia
           Colorful Gravity, Night Plovdiv 2019
2018   Signs of Sound, +359 Gallery (WaterTower), Sofia
2017   Signs of Sound, Culture Center Dvoreca, Balchik, BG
           Tunnel, Light Installation in Vardar metro station, 2017, Sofia, BG
2016   ‘’Mirror’’ National Autumn Exhibitions, Plovdiv 2016
2015   Under Construction, Contemporary Space, Varna, BG
           5 Boxes, the fridge, Sofia, BG, curated by Yovo Panchev
2014   Work and Leisure, UN Cabinet D’amateur, Sofia, BG, curated by Olivier Boissiere
2013   As a Soup, Contemporary space, Varna, BG
2012   July, the Mission Gallery, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sofia, BG, curated by Yovo Panchev
2011   As a Soup, Pistolet Gallery, Sofia, BG, curated by Leda Ekimova
           Field, 0gms drawer by ICA, Sofia, BG, curated by Vladiya Mihailova
2010   Formal, Vaska Emanouilova Gallery, Sofia, BG, curated by Vladiya Mihailova


2022 Dualism II, ONE Gallery, Sofia
2021 Shifting Colors, Intimacy and spectacle in the age of social media, The Largo/Sofia Art Project Vol.1
Nature Takes Back, Little Bird Place, Sofia
The Pric/ze is Right, NEXT Balkan: Bulgarian Contemporary art in Belgrade, Serbia
White exhibition Vol.3, ONE Gallery, Sofia
The Real Museum, Sofia Arsenal – MCA, Sofia
2020 COMMON, ONE Gallery, Sofia
Sariev Self Isolation, Sariev Gallery, Plovdiv
History Between, Regional History Museum – Sofia
2019 State of Apparition, Aether Gallery, Hague, Holland
Chain Reaction, Æther, Sofia, BG
The Lights of the City, organized by Bulgarian Fund for Women, curated by the fridge, Plovdiv
Good Mirrors Are Not Cheap, Goethe Institute, Sofia, curated by Chiara Cartuccia
FINALE, Structura Gallery, Sofia
2018 The Shape of Time, Red Point Gallery, Sofia, BG
Paperchase / Support Papier, Contemporary Art Space San Stefano Gallery, Sofia, BG
2017 Shifting Layers / Young Art at the Museum , Sofia City Art Gallery, BG, curated by Vladiya Mihailova
Polyphonia, Goethe Institut, Sofia, curated by France Oosterhof
SEX APPEAL – One Night Stand Gallery, Sofia
2016 Tόπος – topographies – …topias, Raiko Aleksiev Gallery, Sofia, BG, curated by Slav Nedev
Personal Vibrator, Arosita Gallery, Sofia, BG
2015 Error 003, Third Annual Exhibition of Contemporary Space, Varna, BG
Process in Progress, Bäckerstrasse4 – plattform für junge kunst, Vienna, AT
ViennaContemporary, Focus Bulgaria, Vienna, AT
BAZA Award for Contemporary Art, Sofia City Art Gallery, BG
Caution: Wet Paint! Sofia City Art Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria
Art for Change 1985-2015, Sofia City Art Gallery, BG, curated by Maria Vassileva
2014 To be continued… Collection of Contemporary Bulgarian Art of Gaudenz B. Ruf, Sofia City
Art Gallery, BG
2 Years After, Group exhibition, Un Cabinet D’amateur, Sofia, BG
Sofia Underground Performance Art Festival 2014, Sofia, BG
2013 THE THIRD FINGER, (An annual group exhibition), Contemporary space, Varna, BG
BAZA Award for Contemporary Art, Sofia City Art Gallery, BG
Winter Group Show, UN Cabinet D’amateur, Sofia, BG
2012 Artist in Residence Hungary 2011-2012 in Petömihályfa, Krinzinger Projekte Gallery, Vienna, AT
Artists in Residence Programme KulturKontakt, ArtPoint Gallery, Vienna, AT
WHO LEFT/WHAT BEHIND? “Centralization in Modern Arts” through Women’s Eyes,
Iliya Beshkov Art Gallery, Pleven, BG and Center for Contemporary Arts, Ankara, TR
Sofia Underground Performance Art Festival, Sofia, BG
Group Show, 0gms drawer by ICA, Sofia, BG
Raw Art Fair, Holland, curated by KOLEKTIFF
2011 EAST of BEST, Roodkapje Rot(t)terdam, Holland, curated by KOLEKTIFF
By 0gms, ViennaFair, (artfair), Vienna, AT
2010 Gaudenz B. Ruf Award for New Bulgarian Art SHORTLIST, Raiko Aleksiev Gallery, Sofia, BG
Borderline situation – The Drawing in Contemporary Art, 11 Industrial Gallery, Sofia, BG curated by Yovo Panchev
“AKTO5”, Contemporary Art Festival, Bitola, Macedonia


2014   Cité Internationale des arts, Paris, FR
2012   Krinzinger Projekte, Petomihalyfa, HU
KulturKontakt, Vienna, AT
2010   Gaudenz B. Ruf Award for New Bulgаrian Art
2009   First Award for Painting, ”St. St. Cyril and Methodius” Foundation